The AIR SQUAT is one of the basic exercises that must be learned. It is actually very similar to sitting and getting up from the chair. The movement is very simple but there are mistakes to avoid…


When approaching this exercise focus on the foot floor contact; you must always feel the weight in the center of the foot, not on the toe, nor on the heels. Bend your legs as if you want to sit on a chair. Try to reach the parallel line or below (hips lower than the knees). This is how you work correctly with the glutes and otherwise, it will involve mainly the quadriceps. When you get back up, think about starting not with your hips but with your shoulders, in this way you will coordinate correctly and the exercise will be correct.

AIR SQUAT when searching on Google


Let’s see a series of very common mistakes in the execution of this exercise: rising the heels, the pelvis is excessively retroverted, losing the lumbar curve, the knees close inside, lifting the butt first, and then the shoulders.


The AIR SQUAT is an excellent exercise for training the glutes on high repetitions and it is a basis for the classic squat with the barbell. If you want to learn more about SQUAT, you can find my guide HERE.